On 19 October 2019, a group from Lipa City Senior High School (LCSHS)—98 STEM learners and six teachers—visited the University of the Philippines National Institute for Science and Mathematics Education Development (UP NISMED) and participated in educational activities prepared by the science and mathematics laboratories, Audiovisual Studio, and Observatory.
The off-campus activity of LCSHS, titled Educational Observation on Science and Mathematics History and Phenomena, aimed to expose learners to different scientific cum historical facilities and natural phenomena and observe and manipulate instruments and equipment in the physical and natural sciences.
The group toured the various laboratories of NISMED. In the High School Biology laboratory, the students had the chance to examine plant stomata, the structure of the dengue virus-carrying mosquito, and blood circulation in fish through the microscope. In the High School Physics laboratory, the students enjoyed the hands-on activities that taught them science concepts in mechanics and modern physics.
In the High School Chemistry laboratory, the students were challenged to determine the molecular polarity of water using a charged ruler. They were also guided to identify which among the acetone, ethyl alcohol, and water has the strongest intermolecular forces of attraction and which one would evaporate fastest. In the High School Mathematics laboratory, the students learned the basics in making and developing a simple GeoGebra applet, apparently for the first time.
The students also visited the Audiovisual Studio where they were exposed to the different stages of video production in making educational audiovisual materials. They found this especially interesting because of their use of social media and video blogs (vlogs).
Lastly, the group went to the NISMED Observatory where they learned about the two different types of telescopes—refracting telescopes which use lenses and reflecting telescopes which use mirrors.
- M. Agad