NISMED welcomes new (and not so new) staff

The driving pool has been depleted as of late, thanks to the retirement of Noli Llaguno last year and Santi Silleza this year. Luckily, we now have a replacement in the person of Noel Gamo, who received training as a mechanic at Miriam College. Mr. Gamo previously worked at the U.P. Health Service as one of four ambulance drivers.

Keep driving safely, Noel!

Meanwhile, the Maintenance and Equipment Development Section has a new member, Rogerich “Engel” Buen. Mr. Buen is not a stranger at NISMED, having worked at the Institute some years back. He returned to NISMED fairly recently, and after a short stint at the Art Section (he was a Fine Arts undergrad), he joined his new group finally as a full-fledged U.P. employee. 

Keep igniting your artistry, Engel!

by HP Rosete