Seminar on UP Employees’ Health Benefits

The University Health Service (UHS) conducted a seminar titled “Seminar on UP Employees’ Health Benefits” at the UP NISMED auditorium last 14 April  2023. The seminar featured Dr. Aliza M. Pangaibat, head of the Public Health Unit of the UHS, as the resource speaker. Dr. Pangaibat discussed the importance of the Annual Physical Examination (APE) which UP Diliman employees can avail of. 

During her talk, Dr. Pangaibat provided an overview of the APE mentioning its purpose and benefits that it can provide. She also talked about the eligibility criteria for the APE, the different diagnostic tests and physical examination covered in the APE, and the step-by-step procedure every employee needs to follow when availing of the APE. An open forum following the talk allowed the  NISMED staff to ask questions and seek clarification on matters related to the APE.

Dr. Aliza Pangaibat talks about the importance of the Annual Physical Examination.

Throughout her talk, Dr. Pangaibat underscored the importance of undergoing an Annual Physical Examination. She highlighted that this proactive approach aids in the early detection and treatment of underlying diseases that may not manifest noticeable symptoms. Additionally, the APE enables the evaluation of risk factors that may predispose individuals to future health issues.  She emphasized that the Annual Physical Examination helps in optimizing the performance of staff stating, “Heathy workers are more productive, less stressed, and less likely to take sick days.”