UP NISMED honors Dr. Reyes and Ms. Bose on their retirement

UP NISMED honored Ms. Zenaida N. Bose for her 39 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Institute during the retirement program prepared by the Socials Committee.

During the program, Ms. Bose was awarded a plaque of appreciation, a bouquet of flowers, a birthday cake, and a photobook. Adding to her delight was a video presentation of birthday wishes from her family. Other well-wishers were former Desktop and Printing Section Head, Ms. Agustina Bautista, and the present Head of the Art and Desktop Section, Ms. Ma. Laura V. Ginoy. The Director of UP NISMED, Dr. Soledad A. Ulep, also expressed her appreciation for a job well done and wished Zeny a happy retirement life. As a response, Zeny thanked everyone and read a “prayer” -- her gift to UP NISMED.

The program was held on 1 June 2016 at the first floor lobby, Dolores F. Hernandez Hall (Science Teacher Training Center), UP NISMED. It was attended by Zeny’s husband, Ricky, and relatives, the UP NISMED staff, and close friends.

“It was a blessing, more than anything else!” These were the words of Dr. Risa L. Reyes when
UP NISMED honored her for her 35 and a half years of service at the Institute during the retirement program held on 29 June 2016 at the UP NISMED Auditorium. Dr. Reyes’ narrated through a picture presentation her experiences, the many people whom she had met and worked with, and the places that she had been while working at UP NISMED. Her story served as an inspiration to all especially to the new and young staff. Dr. Soledad A. Ulep, UP NISMED Director, recalled the countless contributions of Dr. Reyes as science educator and as Deputy Director of the Institute for five years. Dr. Reyes was presented with a plaque of appreciation, a bouquet of flowers, and a photobook. Retirement wishes from family, friends, and colleagues were shown through a video presentation.