Ligao National High School trains for lesson study

Twenty mathematics teachers from Ligao National High School, Albay, participated in the Seminar-Workshop on Lesson Study on Teaching Mathematics Through Problem Solving with GeoGebra on 9 to 13 May 2011 at the University of the Philippines National Institute for Science and Mathematics Education Development (UP NISMED), UP Diliman. The aim of the seminar-workshop was to equip the participants with knowledge and skills in conducting lesson study in their schools as well as in integrating GeoGebra in teaching mathematics. Lesson study is a professional development model that originated in Japan, where teachers collaboratively develop, implement, critique, and improve a research lesson. GeoGebra is a free mathematics software that combines the capability of a dynamic geometry software and computer algebra system.

The seminar-workshop was divided into two parts. The first part focused on enabling the participants to conduct lesson study. The topics discussed were the importance of lesson study, its benefits and challenges, and the methodology in conducting it. It also highlighted teaching through problem solving, the teaching strategy being promoted in lesson study.

The second part focused on the use of GeoGebra in teaching mathematics. Participants were taught how to use the software which includes basic drawing, geometric construction, and graphing functions. At the end of the session, participants created their own applet and uploaded them on the web.

UP NISMED has been promoting lesson study since 2006 and is also the host of the GeoGebra Institute of Metro Manila, the first GeoGebra Institute in the Philippines.