Cox exhibit in Singapore
It’s the second invitation for Daniel “Dansoy” Coquilla to exhibit his paintings at the Utterly Art Exhibition Space in Singapore. In his 18th one-man show, “Top Shot,” Dansoy depicted the Binondo holiday ambience in celebrating the Chinese New Year, intricately capturing the traditional dragon dance, dragon boat race, and food stalls selling freshly cooked hopia, fishballs, and pancit with his signature bird’s-eye view style. The exhibit ran from February 3 to 13, 2010.
Dansoy, or “Cox” to NISMED colleagues, is a video editor of the Audiovisual Group. His string of awards includes the Cultural Center of the Philippines Thirteen Artists Award in 2006, Philippine Finalist to the Windsor & Newton Worldwide Millenium Painting Competition in 1999, UP Gawad Chanselor para sa Sining Biswal in 1998, and Juror’s Choice (top 5) awards in the 1997 Philip Morris Philippine and ASEAN Art Competitions.
A Day to cherish
On February 18, 2010, another NISMED staff has flown the coop. Or to speak plainly, Enriqueta Angelita Montes, the Institute’s librarian, has retired, having gracefully reached the respectable age of sixty-five. She had been working in UP since 1977, and in NISMED since 1989. There was a short program at the auditorium to honor her long years of dedicated service. Friends from recent and not-so-recent times wished her well via a video prepared by the Audiovisual Group. Rolly Tan from the Elementary Science Group impressed the audience with his superb singing. Not to be outdone, the rest of the Junior Staff later wowed the crowd with a well-choreographed dance. Dulce Sebastian and Leosan Navalta did a sweet duet. Dansoy Coquilla and Addie Saliva countered with a rock ballad.

Angie Montes receives a plaque of appreciation from
Director Merle C. Tan.
Director Merle C. Tan.
In between numbers, Mr. Montes was pressed for stories about the honoree. He gamely related how he used to travel miles and miles by bus just to pay court to Manang Angie. Called upon for retirement advice, NISMED alumna Jopab (Dr. Josefina Pabellon to those who take pleasure in formality) quipped that to retire means “Magpapalit ka lang ng gulong. Then you can be on your way, good as new.” Soon it was time for the director, Dr. Merle Tan, to rise and officially express the Institute’s gratitude and present a plaque of appreciation to Manang Angie, who responded with a short thank-you speech of her own. And after everybody stood up to sing Dahil Sa Iyo (supposedly Manang Angie’s favorite kundiman), the program ended with a flurry of picture-taking and a light merienda.
Take care, Manang Angie. Do drop in, now and then.

The tireless stork
Ceril Maramag of the High School Physics Group gave birth to her second baby boy on February 18, 2010. Christened John Jacob, Ceril says Cobi is undoubtedly the family’s delight. Two-year-old Kuya Mumble is already a big fan, quick to lend a hand or lull Cobi to sleep with his own version of a lullaby.