The Bureau of Learning Delivery of the Department of Education in cooperation with UP NISMED conducted the Capacity Building on the Enhancement of Science Process Skills for Grades 3-6 Teachers last 10 - 13 October 2023 at the NISMED Elementary School Science (ESS) Laboratory. A total of 28 participants representing 14 regions of the country attended the four-day training. The training started with a plenary session on the essential features of inquiry. The first session aimed to orient participants’ understanding on the importance of science process skills in the context of inquiry-based learning.
Modelling of inquiry-based lessons by the different resource speakers from the Elementary School Science Workgroup was then conducted where participants tried to identify the science process skills embedded in the sample activities. The modelling of lessons was followed by a writing workshop where participants developed their own inquiry-based activity incorporating the appropriate science process skills that facilitate students’ construction of the concepts. These outputs were presented and critiqued by co-participants and by the ESS staff on the final day of the training. Awarding of certificates to participants and resource persons were conducted during the closing ceremony which was attended by Dr. Sheryl Lyn C. Monterola, UP NISMED Director. The four-day training is in response to the performance of the Elementary School teachers in the Science Process Skills Proficiency Test administered by the Department of Education.