Balik-Scientist’s exit presentation

Dr. Francis I. Molina, a Balik-Scientist, under a short-term program sponsored by DOST-PCIEERD delivered his exit presentation with the staff, guests from DOST-PCIERRD, and some faculty and students of the UP College of Education in attendance at the Audiovisual Room, Vidal A. Tan Hall on 12 March 2014. 

Dr. Molina during his exit presentation.
In his presentation, he emphasized the need to align all aspects of the K to 12 educational system of frameworks to the articulated goals for student learning. These include curriculum, instruction, assessment, and teacher professional development. Moreover, in alignment with the NISMED’s thrusts on curriculum materials development, he stressed the importance of age-appropriateness, research on student learning, and commonly held student ideas. 

NISMED served as the host institution of Dr. Molina from 1 October 2013 to 14 November 2013 (first visit) and 19 January to 4 March 2014 (second visit). 

The Balik Scientist Program (BSP) was established in 1975 to encourage overseas Filipino scientists, professionals, and technicians to return or reside in the Philippines, and share their expertise in order to accelerate the scientific, agro-industrial, and economic development of the country.