International Workshop on Reorienting Quality Teacher Education

UP NISMED hosted an intensive five-day workshop on Reorienting Quality Teacher Education towards Education for All (EFA) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) on 28 March to 1 April 2011. The workshop aimed to assist teacher educators and teachers to design and integrate ESD and EFA content into their curricula and teaching materials. A pool of international experts identified key issues and provided overviews on six themes: environmental protection, climate change, human rights education, intercultural understanding, gender sensitizing, and multilingual education. Examples of good practice were showcased to demonstrate how they had been successfully implemented on the ground.

Workshops were also conducted to underline how education can provide the structure for reinforcing the main tenets of the Millennium Development Goals. Sixtythree participants consisting of teacher educators and teachers showed much enthusiasm in the workshops. The action plans that were designed were a reflection of how much the participants embraced the challenges and opportunities that EFA and ESD present.

The workshop was organized by UNESCO Asia-Pacific Programme of Educational Innovation for Development and the International Bureau for Education.