After the pilot run from 2006 to 2009 and the Orientation-Workshop on Collaborative Lesson Research and Development (CLRD) held on May 17 to 19, 2010, CLRD was implemented in three schools. The schools include Sta. Lucia High School and Rizal High School in Pasig City and North Fairview High School in Quezon City. To formalize the start of the joint venture, Director Merle C. Tan and facilitators of NISMED met with the principal and science or mathematics department head of each school.

Dir. Merle C. Tan and NISMED facilitators formalize the joint venture
with Dr. Proceso Lera, principal of the North Fairview High School
and the CLRD teachers.
In Sta. Lucia High School, every year level of mathematics has one CLRD group working with one high school mathematics NISMED facilitator. Guided by the overall goal and subgoals that they have set, they collaborated in developing research lessons on the topic which the teachers decided. To date, the teachers have implemented the following lessons in their classes: Mathematics 1, Subtracting Integers; Mathematics 2, Solving Quadratic Equation Using Quadratic Formula; Mathematics 3, The Parallel Postulate; and Mathematics 4, Introducing Polynomial Functions. Observation of the lesson implementation lasted from three to five days. Meetings for planning and post lesson discussions were held in the school when the teachers no longer had classes.
Following the same research procedure used by the mathematics group but varying only in the number of NISMED facilitators, the selected secondary science teachers of Rizal High School and North Fairview High School have implemented the following lessons: Science 1, Chemical Change; Science 2, Movement of Materials In and Out of the Cell (Osmosis); Science 3, Factors Affecting Solubility and Acids and Bases; and Science 4, Binding Energy.
With the experience in implementing the research lessons in the schools, the CLRD teachers participated in the 2010 International Conference in Science and Mathematics Education (ICSME, see related article, page 1). Once again, teachers of the different CLRD groups collaborated with their NISMED facilitators in developing their conference papers and in making their presentations. A total of 13 papers were presented. For Mathematics, the presentations were: Mathematics 1, Scaffolding Mathematical Understanding and Thinking; Mathematics 2, Needs Assessment: A Tool for Designing a Problem-based Lesson on Quadratic Equation; Mathematics 3, Building on Students’ Prior Knowledge in Introducing the Parallel Postulate; and Mathematics 4, Assessing Students’ Mathematical Thinking in Learning Polynomial Function through Open-ended Problem Solving; Assessing Students’ Representing Skills; and Group Interviews: Realizations in Assessing Mathematics Learning.
For Science, the presentations were: Science 1, Assessing Learning in the Four Phases of Stage 3 of UbD-based Lessons and Students’ Ideas about Force, Motion, Work, and Energy; Science 2, Using Students’ Representations to Assess Student Understanding of Osmosis and Students’ Conceptions of Diffusion and Osmosis: Insights Drawn from an Interview; Science 3, Discourse ICSMEin the Science Classroom: Its Impact on Student Learning and Building on Students’ Language Preference to Engage Them Actively in Learning Some Factors Affecting Solubility; and Science 4, Developing a Lesson on Binding Energy and Mass Defect Using A4L Framework.
As a three-year project that ends in 2012, CLRD’s research and development activities will continue. The results of its first year of implementation are indeed promising and enriching inputs to the Institute’s functions to help upgrade science and mathematics in the country.